What is it?

A benign, non-cancerous, parathyroid tumor is a type of growth that will not spread outside your gland to the rest of your body. It may grow locally, but it is usually not a life-threatening disease.
The parathyroid glands are four small glands, located at the center of your neck. These glands secrete parathyroid (PTH) hormone, which controls the calcium levels in your blood.
A benign neoplasm of the parathyroid gland is usually a type of tumor called adenoma, which secrets high levels of parathyroid (PTH) hormone.

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Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Benign Neoplasm of Parathyroid Gland

Signs & symptoms

most people will not have any signs or symptoms.
Other may feel weakness, joint pain, constipation, loss of appetite and inability to concentrate.
More serious symptoms may appear if your calcium blood levels are extremely high- you may feel excessive thirst, suffer from kidney stones, fragile bones and Gout attacks.


A high blood calcium levels may appear on your routine blood tests and rise the suspicion of a parathyroid adenoma.
In that case, your doctor will want to perform a few more diagnostic tests:
Blood tests- to confirm high calcium levels, and measure PTH (parathyroid hormone)
Urine tests- to check your urine calcium levels and see if your kidneys are involved.
If a diagnosis is made, your doctor may refer you to further testing in order to check for complications.


Treatment typically involves a surgical removal of the tumor.
If your condition is mild, and you don’t have any symptoms, surgery may not be required. in this case, it is important to stay hydrated and physically active, as well as take vitamin D and calcium supplements.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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