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by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023


Dyscalculia is a learning disability in mathematics. People who have dyscalculia have a hard time learning or comprehending arithmetic such as manipulating numbers. Dyscalculia is quite common and is more common in people who also have attentional deficit attention disorder (ADHD), and Turner syndrome.

315 people with Dyscalculia are on Alike.

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Signs & symptoms

Symptoms may include difficulty subitizing, difficulty in mental math, trouble reading the time, counting fingers, inability to understand budgeting, Inconsistent results in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, poor memory of math concepts, substitutions of numbers, omissions, reversals, and inability to put conceptual math into practice.


Diagnosis is based upon findings from different mathematical tests, although there are not specific criteria accepted by everyone.


Although there is no cure for dyscalculia, there are many ways to learn how to cope with it such as using manipulatives, and assistive technology.


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