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Arterial Aneurysms

by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023

Additional names

This group contains additional names: - Splenic Artery Aneurysm - Iliac Artery Aneurysm - Upper Extremity Aneurysm - Aneurysm of artery of upper limb - Aneurysm of brachial artery - Aneurysm of radial artery - Pseudoaneurysm of distal brachial artery - Subclavian Aneurysm - Aneurysm of Neck - Aneurysm of external carotid artery - Aneurysm of common carotid artery - Aneurysm of internal carotid artery - Renal Artery Aneurysm - Aneurysm of kidney artery


An aneurysm is a swelling or bulging of a vessel, mostly an artery, that occur due to weakening of the artery's wall. Aneurysms can develop at any site of your body, including the aorta, brain, heart, abdominal organs, legs, etc. Risk factors for developing aneurysms include: smoking, alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, diabetes, obesity, and advanced age. Aneurysms usually have no consequences at all, but they may have a potential to rupture or cause an impairment to blood flow.

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Signs & symptoms

Aneurysms usually do not present signs or symptoms at all. When they do occur, Symptoms of an aneurysm vary with each type, size, location, and complications if present. For example, an aneurysm in the leg may cause symptoms of ischemia such as intermittent claudication (pain or cramping when walking or exercising). Splenic or renal aneurysms may cause abdominal discomfort, nausea, or pain. A ruptured aneurysm in any location may cause severe pain and signs of blood loss such as fast heart rate, low blood pressure, pallor and fainting.


Common tools used to diagnose aneurysms are: * Ultrasound, including Doppler ultrasound that shoes blood flow in your vessels * Computed Tomographic (CT) angiography or Magnetic Resonance (MR) angiography – imaging of your arteries.


Management of an aneurysm depends on the location, type, and complications if present. Treatment may include: watchful waiting lifestyle changes to control risk factors and reduce the risk for complications – quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising, etc. Medications to control high blood pressure and reduce the risk for a rupture, or anticoagulant therapy (drugs that prevent your blood from making a clot) if the aneurysm is associated with thrombosis. Surgery – can be open surgery or minimally invasive endovascular surgery. When an aneurysm is diagnosed, screening for other aneurysms in different locations may be recommended.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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