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Updated 1mo ago

Struggling with Small Talk: How to Deepen Connections?

how do you get past small talk with people. I will often have an amazing conversation with. someone the initial time I meet them we'll really click and exchange contact info. but the. anytime after that first initial good meeting I'm stuck in this awkward small talk limbo.. does anyone else have this issue?

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One way to get past small talk is by finding common interests. This can be anything from types of coffee you like, music genres, or even what's on the TV at the time. Another strategy is to remember t...See More




Agreed. It's an art form. Small talk is absolutely necessary to get to know each other. you will never click with someone continuously. Ever. Neither of you will always be in the mood. Give the other person compliments (about clothes, hair, anything) to make them feel at ease, then go from there. You will find the convo slowly gets better.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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