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Updated 10mo ago

Exploring Remote Job Options with Short Training

what are fully remote jobs I can get with a short training/certificate/associates degree? I'm waiting for a training to be a peer councelor to open up, I've worked at Burger King and a daycare center... loved fast food, but it was to much physically to keep up with. the daycare center sucked, no way to describe but let's just say every part except the kids I was taking care of was terrible. where do you guys work?

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I don't know how to recommend to you exactly, because I don't know about the jobs in each state, but I can say that because of the difficulty in physical work, I also found a job in customer service and telephone technical support for Internet. The training was relatively short and the work is convenient in hours and not physical at all. It might be worth your while to search on websites for a job in your area that is suitable and does not require training, I'm sure there are many other jobs that will be relevant.

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