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Updated 10mo ago

What's Your Go-To Coping Mechanism?

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So I kind of don’t have any I just go through my emotions



Sorry I thought that was for bipolar for panicking you really have to try and breath I like trees and shit so I cope by going on long walks outside You have to find someone u admire and focus on that …. I listen to a lot of music on like full blast in my headphones You just have to figure out simple / easy access calming shit You have to figure out what’s calming for u And you literally just have to distract urself : ) I hope that was helpful



It's a combination of singing edgy songs to my heart's contents, escaping my life in calming/strategic videogames, binge-watching cartoons and anime, or drawing. Those are my healthiest outlets for my daily pain. As for the unhealthy ones, I tend to use self-deprecating humor, remain distrustful/wary of most people, hide away during periods where I'm at my lowest or most stressed, sometimes even going as far to be verbally aggressive at loved ones.. Not my proudest actions, but I try my best to fight my demons and prevent them as best as I can.



Absorbing myself into something I enjoy doing, like listening to music or watching my favorite YouTubers. :)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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